Do You Check Your Oil Regularly?

The blog this week is about the importance of checking your engine oil on a regular basis in your Volvo or Toyota. Everyone is trying to save money at the moment, interest rates are rising, fuel bills are rising, food costs are soaring, insurance costs are rising etc so when it comes to owning a car, we need all the help we can get to keep costs down. Read on to find out more:
Every car engine needs oil in order to stop the metal moving parts from grinding together causing unnecessary wear, friction, damage and corrosion of the engine from the inside. The purpose of the oil is to keep all the internal parts of your Volvo or Toyota engine lubricated and cool – so it fights friction and heat. It is vital that you regularly check your levels and condition of your engine oil and top up if required. So are you one of those people who regularly checks your fluid levels or do you wait for your annual service? Or do you wait for the oil light to come on, on the dashboard?
You should check your oil when the engine oil is cool (not straight after a journey) and your Volvo or Toyota is on a flat surface (not parked on a hill). If you notice that you are topping up regularly this could indicate a problem – please take your car to your local independent garage for an inspection. You may even notice oil on your drive or on the floor of your usual parking spot. If you notice this and suspect it is coming from your Volvo or Toyota then please take it to your local independent garage for investigation. It is vital that you change your oil and filter regularly – this is usually done on your regular servicing schedule. Why? Well sludge and dirt can build up within the engine as it becomes contaminated over time therefore rendering the oil inefficient in doing its job properly – that of lubricating – resulting in the possibility of rather expensive repairs – the main one being having to replace the engine. So if you see that your oil is dark brown to black in colour when you are checking it, then it is definitely time to replace your oil and filter. You can change the oil in your Volvo or Toyota yourself – just remember to use a good quality oil (check your owners hand book for which one to use for your particular car) and remember to dispose of the old oil properly....and no folks, that is NOT down the drain. You can usually take your old oil to your local recycling centre – check before taking it there. Please note - Over filling your oil can cause damage also, so be mindful how much you are putting in. Your Volvo or Toyota engine will serve you well if you just look after it properly. Regular servicing really will help the longevity of your engine and car – we cant stress enough preventative maintenance is always going to be cheaper than reactive repairs. If you are looking to save money on your motoring costs then learn how to do basic maintenance tasks yourself. Keeping on top of fluid checks and tyre pressures is a great place to start. Happy Safe Motoring Folks!
Here at ACC UK Ltd, Winners of The Motor Trader Independent Garage of The Year 2015, 2019 & 2020, The IGA Big Awards 2022, The Inspire Customer Service Excellence 2016 Award, The Eagle Radio Customer Focus 2017 Business Award, The Workshop Magazine Workshop Manager of the Year 2017 Award, The LiveWire Excellence In Vehicle Servicing 2019 Award and The Aftermarket Excellence Award for Best Website 2019, The Eagle Radio Biz Award – Entrepreneur of the Year 2020 & the SME News Magazine Most Trusted Car Servicing Provider 2020, we pride ourselves on offering an outstanding customer experience for a fraction of the cost of a dealership. Give us a call and let us quote you for your next service or repair on your Volvo or Toyota. We service all areas around Farnborough, Fleet, Aldershot, Farnham, Guildford, Frimley, Camberley, Hook, Sandhurst, Crowthorne, Yateley, Hampshire and Surrey. We offer free collection and drop off services. We also have a fleet of courtesy cars to allow you to get on with your schedule whilst your Volvo or Toyota is with us. Happy Motoring from all at ACC UK Ltd – Independent Volvo & Toyota servicing, repair and MOT specialists based in the heart of Farnborough, Hampshire