Preventative maintenance on your vehicle should include having the car servicing done on a regular basis. Regardless of the make and model of the car you own, whether you have a Ford, Volvo,Renault, Peugeot, Toyota, Vauxhall, Lexus, Nissan, Skoda, Honda, Kia, BMW, Mercedes or Audi, sticking to the maintenance schedule set forth by the manufacturer will help keep it in good condition. You will find this information in your vehicle log book. Always ensure that you adhere to the servicing schedule in order to maintain your manufacturer warranties on your vehicle. With the emergence of your right to choose, you no longer have to take your vehicle to a specific garage - you are free to use an independent garage. This will enable you to shop around for the most competitive price on the market - as long as you adhere to the service schedule and you use genuine parts then your warranties remain intact.

Maintaining your vehicles service schedules means that your car will be much less likely to break down, and also means that it should retain better value should you decide to sell it at some point - just make sure the garage stamps your service book - keep it in the glove box or hand it in at reception when dropping it off at the garage.

Car servicing typically entails a change of the oil and filter, as well as a check of the brakes, lighting, fluids, air filter, and spark plugs. An analysis of the on-board diagnostic system may also be performed, as well as other periodic services. The vehicles have different service requirements at differing intervals such as cambelt changes - they are required for a reason - therefore vitally important that they are adhered to.

With modern cars being quite complicated in design, it is best to allow this maintenance to be performed by a fully trained mechanic that has experience of working on the type of car you own, using a garage that has the specialist diagnostic equipment to check fault codes specific to your make and model of vehicle .


The type of oil that is used will play a role in how often it needs to be changed. Motor oil used to be only mineral based, but then came a combination of mineral and synthetic. Completely synthetic based oil is now the preferred choice of many, as it tends to hold up well for a longer period of time and can help protect the engine better than mineral based oils. Oil is the blood of your engine - it is pumped around helping to keep all the required parts lubricated and moving well. If anyone has experienced running out of oil they will know that the consequences for the engine of the car are catastrophic - always check your oil levels on a frequent basis inbetween services. It takes five minutes but can be the difference of thousands of pounds is the engine blows and a new one is required.

When professional car servicing is performed, the mechanic will use only the oil that is recommended for your specific engine. There are also a variety of diesel additives available that can be added to your tank to help improve the performance of the engine.

Brake Fluid, Engine Coolant And Power Steering

A check of, and topping off of the fluids will be carried out at the time of servicing. However, you can do this task yourself inbetween your service schedule and we highly recommend that you do this. Brake fluid, engine coolant, and power steering fluid should all be checked periodically, and topped up if needed - if you are unsure as to what to do please feel free to pop in and someone will take you through it.

Not maintaining the proper level of engine coolant could result in major engine problems, and possible need for an engine replacement - check this at the same time as you check your oil - the coolant is there to regulate the temperature - both in the summer and winter - never mix the colours - if unsure give us a call - our advice is always free. Brake and power steering fluid are needed in order to maintain control of your car and brakes whilst it is in operation and are very important.

Electrical System

The electrical monitoring system should only be accessed by a fully trained professional. An independent car servicing center or specialist independent garage that has the proper equipment will be able to connect to your system and diagnose any problems or identify fault codes, as well as spot potential problems. Much insight can be gained by learning what is going on in the areas of your car that you cannot see. Never ignore a warning light that comes up on your dashboard or the engine management light - it has happened for a reason! Its better to tackle the problem sooner rather than later - and much cheaper too!

Air Filters And Spark Plugs

Air filters may last quite a long time, depending on certain conditions such as the environment. When air flow to the engine is blocked, poor performance and a higher rate of fuel usage will be the direct result - this is because your vehicle is not geting enough air and is therefore having to work harder resulting in additional wear and tear on other parts of the engine - resulting in additional preventative costs. Regular car servicing is called preventative maintenance for a reason - its done to prevent damage and unneccessary wear and tear. It may be hard to believe that something as inexpensive as spark plugs could be so vitally important - but they are and require renewal at certain points during the life of your vehicle. Taking care of your spark plugs is done to prevent your engine from seizing up!

Choosing a garage you feel comfortable with is incredibly important especially if you have had a bad experience in the past. Feel free to ask about the qualifications of the mechanics in any given car servicing garage. Trained professionals that have access to the proper equipment required to maintain your car ensures that they will be able to keep your car in tip top condition at all times. Happy Motoring!