A Christmas message from the ACC team

The entire Team here at ACC UK Ltd would like to thank you for your continued custom and support throughout 2023. You have kept us extremely busy – we truly do have the best customers! Thank you to everyone who has popped in with prezzies for us – its much appreciated!
Our Christmas opening hours are:
22rd December 2023 – 8am-5.30pm
23rd December – 1st January 2024 Closed
2nd January 2024 – Opening hours as normal
If you have any issues over the festive period, please just send an email or leave a voicemail these will be monitored periodically. If you need to have your vehicle recovered to the garage no problem – just pop the keys through the letterbox. We will look at your car upon our return.

So, what have we been up to during the year? We found ourselves finalists is two Motor Industry Awards – alas we didn’t pick up a trophy this time, but it was an honour to get to the finals.
We have been enjoying using the mezzanine floor and having the extra ramps as we have had a lot of big engine rebuild jobs throughout the year as people are preferring to hold onto their vehicles rather than buying new. This is probably due to the hike in the price of new and second-hand vehicles coupled with the interest rate increases. We have also been kept very busy fitting new tyres and doing lots of wheel alignments. Ensuring your wheels are aligned will help increase the longevity of your tyres! We hope you enjoy reading our weekly tip blogs on the website – all aimed at helping to save you money on your motoring costs.
Aiden our apprentice is doing well and has been joined by another apprentice, Andre. They are teaching us new lingo – ah the youth of today!
Andy, our driver is super busy and has been joined by David who has fitted right in, a lot of you may already have met him. We have found that since Covid and the MOT extension that was given out that there are certain months of the year where we are very busy literally doing double the amount of MOT’s – we cannot stress enough how important it is to get booked in – this is the same for any garage out there.
Maurice, one of our technicians left to build hot rods! We wish him luck, he was with us for a number of years so will always be ACC Family. We have been joined by Jordan – he is a very experienced mechanic, and we are very pleased to have him with us – he is very competitive when we go Karting as a team!
We have also been joined by Jack who is our car valeter – team ACC is building and growing – we wonder what next year holds? We started the year as a team of 6 and now we finish the year as a team of 9!
Simon ran the Berlin Marathon in September and the New York Marathon in November. He said that this marathon was brutal – who knew New York was so hilly? Thank you to all those who sponsored him as he ran for Teenage Cancer Trust – well over £2000 was raised for this very worthy cause!

Next March Simon is running the Tokyo Marathon and the Boston Marathon in April. This will be when he picks up his 6th and final star in the Abbots World Majors – what a fantastic achievement! So, fingers crossed he stays fit and healthy. It would make his day if you could sponsor him on the link below. He has pledged to raise £8,000 for the charity Michaels Miracle which is a respite centre and non profit organisation which provides care and support to individuals with disabilities. Thank You!
All that remains for us to say is “Have a fantastic Christmas Holiday and New Year”.
May 2024 be everything you want it to be! See you all next year! Stay Safe Folks!
The Team at ACC UK LTD