Don’t Skip Your Car Service!

The blog this week is about why you should not skip your next car service for your Volvo or Toyota in a bid to save money. Everyone is trying to save money at the moment, interest rates are rising, fuel bills are rising, food costs are soaring, insurance costs are rising etc so when it comes to owning a car, we need all the help we can get to keep costs down. Read on to find out more:
Research has shown that one in three motorists will avoid their next car service in a bid to save money. Relying instead on the annual MOT that needs to be done by law, as the only safety check for their car. The reason for skipping the service is given as a way to save money, as they simply cannot afford the costs of servicing their vehicle.
Simon Cook of ACC UK Ltd, independent Volvo & Toyota Servicing, Repair and MOT specialists based in Farnborough, Hampshire says “It is very concerning to find that so many motorists are thinking of skipping their next service. We cannot reiterate enough that maintaining your car is always going to be cheaper than carrying out reactive repairs once things go wrong.
It really is a false economy to skip your regular service schedule. Not only does it leave you and your vehicle vulnerable to a potentially costly repair bill if you do not maintain your vehicle throughout the year, it also devalues your vehicle when it comes to selling it on and a potential buyer will perceive the vehicle to require repair work if it has not been adequately maintained.
One way to cut the costs of your annual service is to use an independent garage such as ACC UK Ltd - based in Farnborough, Hampshire. The hourly rate that a dealership charge can be double, even triple what an independent garage would charge – so straight away just by switching garages can save you a lot of money. Read our money saving tips in our blogs - for handy ways to save money on your annual motoring bill. Increase the longevity of your tyres by ensuring they are set at the correct tyre pressures. Correctly inflated tyres will also help to protect other important parts on the car – think of pothole damage! Remove unnecessary weight from the car - do you really need a boot full of golf clubs etc? Check your oil, fluid and water levels weekly. Car share to reduce fuel bills. Check that your bank account offers breakdown services. An avoidable breakdown that can be costly really can be avoided if you maintain your car throughout the year! Happy Safe Motoring Folks!
Here at ACC UK Ltd, Winners of The Motor Trader Independent Garage of The Year 2015, 2019 & 2020, The IGA Big Awards 2022, The Inspire Customer Service Excellence 2016 Award, The Eagle Radio Customer Focus 2017 Business Award, The Workshop Magazine Workshop Manager of the Year 2017 Award, The LiveWire Excellence In Vehicle Servicing 2019 Award and The Aftermarket Excellence Award for Best Website 2019, The Eagle Radio Biz Award – Entrepreneur of the Year 2020 & the SME News Magazine Most Trusted Car Servicing Provider 2020, we pride ourselves on offering an outstanding customer experience for a fraction of the cost of a dealership. Give us a call and let us quote you for your next service or repair on your Volvo or Toyota. We service all areas around Farnborough, Fleet, Aldershot, Farnham, Guildford, Frimley, Camberley, Hook, Sandhurst, Crowthorne, Yateley, Hampshire and Surrey. We offer free collection and drop off services. We also have a fleet of courtesy cars to allow you to get on with your schedule whilst your Volvo or Toyota is with us. Happy Motoring from all at ACC UK Ltd – Independent Volvo & Toyota servicing, repair and MOT specialists based in the heart of Farnborough, Hampshire