Here at ACC UK Ltd Winner of the coveted Motor Trader Independent Garage of The Year UK 2015 we like to give you weekly tips on helping to maintain the
health of your Volvo or Toyota (or any make of car for that matter!). This week our blog is all about looking after the cooling system. 

The Cooling System is incredibly important, and, if its not functioning correctly, overheating can lead to your Volvo or Toyota breaking down and could
be very costly to fix!

Overheating car 

How to check your cooling system on your Volvo or Toyota:

Firstly, you should check the thermostat. Turn the engine on and touch the upper radiator hose. If the hose fails to warm up, it means that the thermostat
is not opening properly. Take it to your Independent Volvo or Toyota Specialist Garage such as ACC UK Ltd of Farnborough, Hampshire for investigation.

Secondly, make sure that your radiator coolant levels are sufficient – ideally the coolant should reach the top of the radiator – if not top it up – this
should be done AT LEAST once a month. Never ever remove the radiator cap unless your engine is cold. The build up of steam will burn you ! Always make
sure you put the cap back on properly.

Finally, check the hoses when the engine is cold – if they feel brittle and not spongy it is time to get them replaced at your local independent Volvo
or Toyota garage such as ACC UK Ltd of Farnborough, Hampshire.

These minor maintenance checks will only take a few minutes of your time every month and hoses and clamps really do cost pennies in comparison to having
to replace the radiator or engine if there is an overheating incident – preventative maintenance is always the advisable route!